

Sep 6, 2009



Stock Market Expertise, Exclusively for you!

Platinum Circle is our personalized investment service for clients standing with over `.5 Lakhs of initial investment. Your Equity Advisor will not only create a personalised investment strategy for you but will also constantly track latest market opportunities to minimize risk & Maximise returns on your Investment.

PMS Vs other investment opportunities

1. Fixed Deposits

  • Fixed returns 
  • Capital protection
  • Low returns coupled with high tax leads to returns of around 4% per annum
  • No possibility of riding on markets to maximize wealth creation
2. Trading on your own

  • Complete control over investment
  • Very high time involvement
  • Need for in-depth research
  • Chances of not booking losses
  • Over exposure to certain stocks/ ideas
  • Over leveraging
  • Possibility of lack of discipline on trading
3. Mutual Funds

  • Can start of with a very low initial investment
  • Ideal for small time investors
  • No personalized portfolio/ investment created
  • Not suitable for HNIs
  • Too many inbuilt charges which reduce returns coupled with complete lack of transparency
  • Incase of falling markets Fund Manager cannot liquidate to stop the erosion in fund value
Talk to our specialists and they’ll help you choose a PMS Plan that suits your ‘risk taking appetite’ and ‘expectation from the market’
  1. Focus on absolute returns: Our Long-short strategies in Index/stock futures and index oriented funds ensure the perfect hedge against high market levels.
  2. We charge fees only on profits: We charge fees only when you make a profit. ProTech PMs has zero AMC or maintenance charges.
  3. Systematically timing the market: ProTech works by timing the stock market using technical analysis. This is done by picking Stocks/Nifty before the infection points in their trading cycles.
  4. Disciplined approach: While making investments based on market view, care is taken to maintain proportion of weightage for particular product and particular Stock/Nifty.
  5. Product Range: ProTech PMS has a range of 4 product schemes to choose from based on your risk-return appetites. You can choose between an automated model and a portfolio managed by our fund managers
Difficult for Clients!
  • Tracking the Market is a full time job
  • Judging the impact of the News for sectors & script may not be always possible
  • Maintaining the news flow & apply at proper time is difficult
  • Availability of basic Research may not always be possible
  • Basic fund management rules may not be in place like investment Philosophy, Sector Allocation, Script Allocation, etc.
Ideal Investment Platform for HNIs??

4 Reasons why Sharekhan PMS is more than Management :
  • For any market condition: Choose from our range of PMS products that are designed to perform in any market based on your investment objectives. 
  • Exclusive Service: Proactive management of your funds by fund manager; backed by a Central Research team of Analysts and serviced by your dedicated Relationship Manager
  • Performance-Focused: Profit-sharing option with PMS ProTech and not based on churn
  • Convenient Reporting: Regular up-to-date views of portfolio
Sharekhan Portfolio Management Services, PMS schemes that suit your needs:
  • PROPRIME: Investing on Fundamentals
  • PROTECH - NIFTY THRIFTY: Technical Analysis Trading
  • PROTECH - DIVERSIFIED: Investing on Technicals and also in Fundamentals Moderate Risk, High Return product